Outreach Support
We are a regulated provider, and we are specialised in supporting people diagnosed with Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADHD, complex need to include challenging behaviour and Mental Health.
We provide outreach community support to several different service users referred to us from various boroughs. This is usually followed with a referral from the local authority, based on the care package agreed with the local authority or on direct payment plan with parent. The care package varies from 3 hours per week support in the community and or more, depending on the need of the client as identified.
Our service delivery model (SDM) covers the operational part of: completing referral form, initial assessment stage, individual risk assessment and management planning, Person centred planning (PCP), key working sessions, monthly reflective account / progress reporting and continuous reviewing of planning to include professional review planning.
From the referral stage, we visit to complete an initial assessment where possible risk factors are identified, and safety plan are put in place. Part of the safety plan is the risk assessment and management planning to be completed for the service user covering areas as follow:
community risk assessment, Aggressive behaviour risk assessment, vehicle risk assessment and personal care risk assessment (depending on the identified risk).
Individual service user is supported in the community on either 2:1 or 1:1 staffing level based on the risk identified to enable safety and wellbeing of the service user and staff involved and maintaining duty of care.
Activities are planned around the service user’s personal choice and interest to give him/her a good day out in the community before returning him / her home safely to their parent.
Our organisational service delivery model (SDM) operates an ongoing reviewing process that are monitored through quality assurance audits to include Health and Safety checks, unannounced visits, spot checks by the management team to ensure that the operational systems and processes are happening as outlined for each individual service user in our care (evidence-based records).
Dates on SDM process reviewing are; daily checks, monthly reviewing, quarterly audits to include spot checks